Kason has loved riding his bike from the moment he got one for his 3rd birthday last year. I remember him riding it in the house when he very first got it...not quite sure how I was talked into that one....But nonetheless, he has been a 'rider' ever since....weather permitting of course:) Even with all the practice he got last year, I was a bit nervous when he asked if we would take the training wheels off. Luckily he asked daddy first, who had no hesitation. So off the wheels went, and after only 2 or 3 tries, he was riding solo. I was shocked at how easy it seemed to him, I remember it being a big deal for me!! I guess its a boy thing. Something to note however....the day he decided to show off his new trick was the day of Kohens Birthday party. Hmmm, someone looking for the spotlight?? Well, it seemed to work! We were all impressed:) In the month since then, he has decided to master bike jumping. I am in for a ride with these boys!!!
wish we had a place to ride! He's amazing... Good work Kason!
Its funny to see you all in jackets cuz it is 80 degrees here! THat is stinkin adorable though! Go big boy with you bike riding!!!
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